In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of completing the SASSA reapplication form step by step. Whether you’re renewing your application or applying for the first time, understanding each section of the form is essential.
By following this guide, you’ll be able to fill out the form accurately and efficiently, ensuring that your application is processed smoothly. Let’s get started!
You an download your form here.
Step-by-Step Process on How to Fill SASSA Reapplication Form
When filling out the form, remember to use an “X” to mark the box that corresponds to your answer for each question or category. For instance, if the form asks for your gender and you are male, you would mark the box next to “M.”
This simple step helps ensure that your responses are clear and easy for the authorities to understand.
It’s essential to follow the instructions to write in CAPITAL letters and, when applicable, inside the designated boxes on the form. This ensures that your information is easily readable and understood by the authorities processing your application.
By writing legibly and clearly, you help prevent any misunderstandings or errors that could delay the processing of your request.
Section A: Personal Information
- Identity Number: Input your unique identification number provided by the relevant authority.
- Age: Write your current age in years.
- Gender: Mark the appropriate gender box with an “X” (either “M” for male or “F” for female).
- Surname: Write your last name or family name.
- Full names: Write your first name and middle name(s) if applicable.
- Preferred method of communication: Choose your preferred method of communication from the options provided (Cell, Email, Post, Landline, SMS).
- Client’s Tel no: Provide your telephone number.
- Email: Input your email address.
- Cellphone no: Provide your mobile phone number.
- Fax: If applicable, input your fax number.
- Residential Address: Write your current residential address, including street name and number.
- Postal Code: Input the postal code corresponding to your residential address.
- Postal Address: If different from your residential address, provide your postal address here.
- Postal Code: Input the postal code corresponding to your postal address.
Section B: Details of Grant Application
In Section B, where you’ll provide details about your grant application. Let’s break it down step by step:
SASSA Office: Here, you’ll write down the name or location of the SASSA office where you submitted your grant application. It’s essential to fill in this information accurately.
Date of Grant Application: Use this space to write down the date you applied for the grant. Remember to follow the format: Year (YY), Month (MM), and Day (DD). For example, if you applied on March 5, 2024, you would write it as 24 03 05.
Date of Grant Rejection: If your grant application was rejected, indicate the date of rejection in the format provided. Again, use the Year (YY), Month (MM), and Day (DD) format.
Grant Type: Mark the box corresponding to the type of grant you applied for. Here are the abbreviations for each grant type:
- Old Age Grant (OA)
- War Veterans Grant (WV)
- Disability Grant (DG)
- Foster Child Grant (FCG)
- Child Disability Grant (CDG)
- Care Dependency Grant (CDG)
- Caregiver’s Grant (CSG)
- Grant in Aid (GIA)
Sections C: Reasons for Reapplication
If you disagree with SASSA’s decision, please state your reasons in this section. If there is not enough space, you can attach a separate page to this form and indicate it.
- Disagreement with the “Means Test”: If you believe that SASSA’s assessment of your financial situation (means test) is incorrect, you can explain your disagreement here.
- Disagreement with SASSA’s Medical Assessment: If you disagree with SASSA’s assessment of your functional impairment or disability, you can provide your reasons in this section.
- Other Disagreements: If you have any other disagreements not covered above, please elaborate and explain them clearly.
Section D: Your Signature
In this section, please sign your name and provide the date of your signature. This confirms that you have completed the form accurately and truthfully.
To ensure your application is processed efficiently, please include the following documents along with your application form:
- Proof of grant application to SASSA (Receipt issued by SASSA)
- A copy of a letter of rejection or approval of social assistance application by the Agency
- In the case of someone applying on behalf of the beneficiary or applicant, a copy of the Power of Attorney or proof of his/her appointment by the applicant or beneficiary to act on his or her behalf
- Any other relevant document related to the application (please specify the type of documentation)