Do you feel stressed about filling out the SASSA Affidavit Form for a Grant in Aid? There’s no need to worry; I’ve got you covered! You can use this guide if you’re new to the process.
Whether you’re doing it for yourself or someone else, understanding each step is essential. I’ll help you with everything, from providing your personal information to verifying your financial situation and understanding your declaration. By the end, you’ll feel confident and ready to complete the form accurately.
You can download your SASSA affidavit form for a Grant in Aid grant here.

Step By Step Process to Fill the SASSA Affidavit Form for a Grant in Aid (ANNEXURE I-7)
Let’s go through the process of filling out the Form for Affidavit for a Grant in Aid together. First, we’ll start with your personal information:
Personal Information:
Write your surname (last name), full name (first and middle names), age, physical address, and postal code in the spaces provided. Make sure everything is spelled correctly and written.
Next, you’ll see a section where you need to indicate the type of grant you’re currently receiving. If you’re getting an older persons’ grant, war veterans’ grant, or disability grant, simply check the box next to the appropriate one. If none of these apply to you, just leave it blank.
Lastly, confirm that you’re not living in a state-funded or subsidized institution. Also, affirm that you need regular assistance from another person. This helps ensure that you’re eligible for the grant and that the support provided is suitable for your needs.

Material Status
Simply mark the marital status box that corresponds to your current situation with an “X”. Here are the options available:
- Married: Choose this option if you are legally married.
- Unmarried: Select this if you are not currently married.
- In Community: If you are married in community of property, mark this box.
- Out of Community: Opt for this if you are married out of community of property.
- Civil Union: If you are in a legally recognized civil union, this is the box for you.
- Customary Union: Choose this option if you are in a customary union.
- Asiatic Religion: If your marital status is influenced by an Asiatic religion, mark this box.
- Never Married: If you have never been married, select this option.
- Divorced: Mark this box if you are legally divorced.
- Widow/Widower: If your spouse has passed away, choose this option.
- Deserted for more than 3 months: If your spouse has left you and not returned for over three months, select this box.

Financial Position
When it comes to your grant application for older persons, war veterans, or disability grant, it’s essential to keep track of any changes in your financial situation. Here’s what you need to know:
Take a moment to consider whether your financial circumstances have changed since you applied for the grant. If there have been any changes, it’s crucial to review your grant application.
If you’re unsure whether your financial position has changed significantly enough to warrant a review, don’t hesitate to seek guidance. You can reach out to the relevant authorities or organizations handling your grant application for assistance and clarification.
Before finalizing your Grant in Aid Affidavit Form, it’s crucial to pay close attention to the declaration statement. Here’s what you need to do:
Take the time to read and understand the declaration statement carefully. Once you’ve reviewed the declaration statement, sign the form to confirm that all the information you’ve provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Your signature indicates your agreement to the contents of the form.
By signing the form, you also acknowledge that you have no objections to taking the prescribed oath. Ensure that you fully understand and agree to the declaration statement before signing the form. If you have any doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from the relevant authorities or organizations handling your grant application.

Certification by Commissioner of Oaths
The Commissioner of Oaths will verify that you fully understand the contents of the declaration. The Commissioner of Oaths will then provide their details, including their signature, rank or force number, identity number, and the date and place of certification.
Finally, the Commissioner will stamp the document with their official Commissioner/SAPS stamp.

By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you’ve taken a significant stride in ensuring that your application is accurate and complete.
From providing personal information to confirming your financial position and understanding the declaration statement, each section plays a vital role in the application process.
Remember, your eligibility for the grant depends on the accuracy of the information provided. Once you’ve completed the form, it’s essential to have it certified by a Commissioner of Oaths to validate its authenticity.
With your form filled out accurately and certified, you’re one step closer to receiving the assistance you deserve. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the relevant authorities for guidance.